Organic macadamia nut oil

cold pressed

Certificates EU organic
Article number 218120
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Organic macadamia nut oil cold pressed

Gustav Heess

Our cold-pressed organic macadamia nut oil originates in the growing regions of Africa, starting with the harvest of the fat-rich nuts. When they have reached full maturity, their green outer shell dries out and detaches from the tree branches, whereupon the nuts gradually fall to the ground over a period of several weeks. To ensure high quality and avoid pests, the nuts are regularly collected using sweepers, supplemented by picking up any remaining nuts by hand.

Once the kernels have been separated from the shells, they are carefully sorted to ensure that only food-grade macadamias are processed. The oil is then extracted from the macadamias in the mill using a mechanical cold pressing process. It is decanted and purified through a thorough filtering process to remove natural residues. The end result is a high-purity organic macadamia nut oil, which undergoes a final quality check in Germany to ensure that it meets our exacting standards. The entire production process follows strict ecological and social guidelines that guarantee the quality of the product and the protection of the environment.


  • Cosmetics

    • Is ideal for moisturizing and conditioning the ends of the hair
    • Use as a massage oil
    • Cracked hands, feet and brittle nails can be cared for with the oil
    • Prevents split ends
    • A popular ingredient in make-up remover
  • Food

    • Serves to refine cold dishes with its mild to nutty flavor
    • Used for baking
    • Well suited for dressings, dips and salad dressings
INCI name: Macadamia Integrifolia / Tetraphylla Seed Oil
CAS number: 438545-25-6, 159518-86-2
Botanical name: Macadamia Integrifolia

900 kg

191 kg

27 kg

General durability: canister 12 months, drum 18 months, IBC 6 months

Nutritional values & composition

Nutritional value (per 100g)
Energy 3,700 kJ / 900 kcal
Fat 100 g
Saturated fatty acids 16 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 81 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3 g

Fatty acids ratio


C16:0 Palmitic acid 7 – 9 %
C16:1 Palmitoleic acid 15 – 24 %
C18:1 Oleic acid 53 – 59.6 %
C20:0 Arachidic acid 1.5 – 3 %
C20:1 Eicosenoic acid 1.5 – 3 %

You want to buy Macadamia nut oil?

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  • worldwide
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  • reliable

We offer Macadamia nut oil in the following packaging units:

  • 900 kg
  • 191 kg
  • 27 kg

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