Rapeseed oil

virgin food

Certificates Kosher, NATRUE
Article number 214020
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Rapeseed oil virgin food

Gustav Heess

The production of our cold-pressed rapeseed oil begins with the harvesting of the rapeseed in summer, when the pods are brownish and easy to open. Before further processing, the seeds undergo a cleaning process, followed by the removal of the hulls, whereby the kernel components are exposed and the hulls are obtained as a by-product.

The hulled rapeseed kernels are then flaked to optimize their surface structure. The flakes are then conditioned, during which the degree of moisture is adjusted to increase oil extraction. The crude oil is separated from the solid components, the so-called press cake, by means of purely mechanical extraction. The crude oil obtained is then filtered to remove natural residues and maintain a high level of quality and purity, which is guaranteed by analyses in our DIN ISO 17025-certified laboratory. With its pleasant, slightly sour note and valuable fatty acid profile, it is ideal for a wide range of food applications.


  • Food

    Rapeseed oil, which contains both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, is versatile - both for preparing cold dishes and for cooking, baking and deep-frying at high temperatures, which is facilitated by its low water content. In the preparation of cold dishes, such as salads, it is valued for its rich content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid.

INCI name: Brassica Campestris Seed Oil
CAS number: 8002-13-9
Botanical name: Brassica napus L. und Brassica campestris L.

25,000 kg
Tank truck

900 kg

190 kg

27 kg

General durability: canister 12 months, drum 18 months, IBC 6 months

Nutritional values & composition

Nutritional value (per 100g)
Energy 3,700 kJ / 900 kcal
Fat 100 g
Saturated fatty acids 7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 65 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 28 g

Fatty acids ratio


C18:1 Oleic acid 50 – 67 %
C18:2 Linoleic acid 16 – 30 %
C22:1 Erucic acid max. 2 %

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We offer Rapeseed oil in the following packaging units:

  • 25,000 kg
    Tank truck
  • 900 kg
  • 190 kg
  • 27 kg

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