Rose hip kernel oil


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Rose hip kernel oil refined

Gustav Heess

Our refined rosehip seed oil originates from Chile, a country with an ideal and unique climate for the growth of wild rosehips. The region is nestled between the Andes, Antarctica, and the Pacific Ocean, providing natural protection. The alternation of cool nights and sunny days during the ripening phase ensures rosehips of the highest quality.

The rosehips of various wild roses, primarily the dog rose (Rosa canina), are harvested in autumn when the fruits are fully ripe and display a vibrant red or orange color. Through a mechanical process in which the rosehips are cut open and the seeds are extracted, the seeds are separated from the fruit pulp. After cleaning and drying, the seeds are mechanically cold-pressed, and the raw oil obtained is then refined according to European standards. It then undergoes a multi-stage filtration process to remove natural particles. In the final step, our refined rosehip seed oil is subjected to a final quality test in our DIN ISO 17025-accredited laboratory to ensure flawless quality.


  • Cosmetics

    • Component in ointments and creams for skin regeneration and dry skin care
    • Used in hair care and anti-ageing products
    • Used in massage oils
    • Used to treat and reduce scars and stretch marks
INCI name: Rosa Canina Fruit Oil / Rosa Moschata Seed Oil
CAS number: 84696-47-9 / 84603-93-0
Botanical name: Rosa canina, Rosa rubignosa / Rosa moschata

190 kg

27 kg

General durability: canister 12 months, drum 18 months

Nutritional values & composition

Nutritional value (per 100g)
Energy 3,700 kJ / 900 kcal
Fat 100 g
Saturated fatty acids 6 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 15 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 79 g

Fatty acids ratio


C18:1 Oleic acid 13 – 18 %
C18:2 Linoleic acid 35 – 50 %
C18:3 Linolenic acid 22 – 38 %

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We offer Rose hip kernel oil in the following packaging units:

  • 190 kg
  • 27 kg

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