Organic soybean oil

cold pressed

Certificates Kosher, EU organic
Article number 300120
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Organic soybean oil cold pressed

Gustav Heess

The production of our cold-pressed organic soybean oil begins when the organically grown soybean plants are ripe, recognizable by the yellow leaves and brown bean pods that indicate harvest time. After harvesting, the soybeans are cleaned, sorted and taken to the oil mill, where they are extracted by mechanical cold pressing. Multiple filtering processes remove natural particles and suspended matter, resulting in a high standard of purity and quality, which is then tested in our DIN ISO 17025-certified laboratory.

The soy extraction meal and soy press cake produced during oil production are used as animal feed, which means that no waste is produced. The entire production process follows strict environmental and social guidelines to ensure product quality and environmental protection. The sustainable utilization of by-products improves efficiency and underlines our commitment to environmentally friendly and socially responsible production.


  • Cosmetics

    • The high content of alpha-linolenic acid helps to regenerate the skin
    • The lecithin it contains penetrates deep into the horny layer of the skin
    • Well suited for chapped and cracked skin
    • Moisturizing properties
    • Used in skin creams and shower gels
  • Food

    • Basis for widespread use in the food industry, e.g. in margarine, cooking oil, salad dressings, mayonnaise, potato potato chips and deep-fried frozen foods
    • For the production of confectionery
    • The smoke point of soybean oil is 230°C and is therefore ideal for cooking and baking
INCI name: Glycine Soja Oil
CAS number: 8001-22-7
Botanical name: Glycine max

Sustainability & responsibility

The soy extraction meal and soy press cake produced during oil production is generally used as animal feed in livestock farming. Accordingly, there is no waste in the production of soybean oil; the product is fully utilized.

No other agricultural crop can produce such a high yield of protein per unit area as soy. This is why the importance of soybeans for feeding humanity will continue to increase. The growing plants bind nitrogen and thus have a positive effect on the soil. This positive property of the plant means that there is no need to artificially fertilize soybean fields with nitrogen.

25,000 kg
Tank truck

900 kg

190 kg

27 kg

General durability: canister 12 months, drum 18 months, IBC 6 months

Nutritional values & composition

Nutritional value (per 100g)
Energy 3,700 kJ / 900 kcal
Fat 100 g
Saturated fatty acids 15 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 26 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 59 g

Fatty acids ratio


C16:0 Palmitic acid 9 – 13 %
C18:1 Oleic acid 17 – 30 %
C18:2 Linoleic acid 48 – 58 %
C18:3 Linolenic acid 5 – 11 %

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We offer Soybean oil in the following packaging units:

  • 25,000 kg
    Tank truck
  • 900 kg
  • 190 kg
  • 27 kg

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